Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Dusty Bookshelf Challenge

What?Another reading challenge? Dear me. Booksatruestory has this reading challenge that is perfect for me.

1. Write a blog post with a list of all those books that are literally or figuratively sitting on your shelf that you’ve been meaning to read for a while. OR You can join my NEW Goodreads group for this challenge! You can pick books that you bought and haven’t read or books that you’ve just been waiting to read for a long time. Feel free to use the badge I made at the top of this post.

2. Pick a level

~Pixie Dust – Read 0-5 books

~Dust Bunny – Read 5-10 books

~Cobwebs – Read 10-15 books

~Grungy – Read 20+ books

EXTRA CREDIT-Say how long that book has been sitting on your shelf!

3. Link your blog post where you are doing the challenge at the bottom of this post (with the blue button) and then enter the giveaway!

I'm aiming for Pixie Dust!

There's a few books on my shelf.

1. Matched by Ally Condie - since November
2. A Discovery of Witches
3. Possess
4. Haunting Violet
5. Born At Midnight - all since October