Thursday, October 6, 2011

freaky friday

"So what's up with you?" someone ask me recently.
"Nothings up..same old same old."
"Why are you so quiet now?" another person ask me on my FB. should I answer to that one?

It's just that after months of sleeping, reading, shopping, travelling and slacking off..I finally received the letter saying that my theses supervisor is appointed and in other words get your lazy ass of that bed and start working on your Master's degree. Ooooohhh..

Okay, so I really should be thankful to be given the opportunity to pursue my Masters by my employer (which would remain anonymous..yeah right) and a scholarship to go with it and leave with full salary.

Being a weird freak of nature, I opted to do my postgraduate full time doing theses. What? Some people say I'm crazy.Honestly sometimes I think I am, it's just that I hate learning about stuff that I know I'm not going to use it in the future. I love writing and doing research, so immersing myself in something I'm interested in is more like it eventhough it will take longer than the people doing coursework. Whatever..

Actually I receive 3 free digital copies of books that I have yet to read and review. I promise I'll do that soon or else I won't get free stuff anymore..huhu. So let me doze off a bit..tata!

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