Friday, September 16, 2011

my new reading challenge

Since I've finished my Goodreads reading challenge, I've been searching for other reading challenge and reading other book blogs out there. Oooh apparently there's so many interesting book blogs out there with the same tastes as mine.

I've stumbled upon this reading challenge quite accidentally while trying to search for other Malaysian women who blog about books with my partner in crime ; nurul blueyes. (Sorry Nurul I've been sidetracked..hoho)Unfortunately not many Malaysian females blog about books. They're into cooking instead. Maybe Malaysian ladies are more ehem..traditional in their tastes.

My new reading challenge is:

to read at least 24 horror and urban fantasy this year courtesy of Book Chic City ..wohoo..
so here far I've read

some of them are courtesy of my kind sister. I have read other fantasy books but I'm not sure whether they fit in this urban fantasy/horror genre..have to check first. By the way check out the cool creepy vampire button for the challenge. Hehe..


  1. I don't know whether Christine Feehan's "Dark" series are included in the urban fantasy/horror genre.

    But I have ALL the "Dark" series...well, except for the latest. I'm getting that one next as a birthday present for myself...huhu.

    Maybe u can google it, kidik. I'm simply a sucker for Christine Feehan's books...keke. Good luck in ur reading quest, dear!

  2. you are so lucky to finish 100 books - congrats! - my challenge is to finish all the books I bought this year, this year - I lost count of how many honestly.. but I know I need new book rack...

    Ouh and I love Lat too , but my favourite is still Calvin & Hobbes... :D

  3. thanx so much everyone..for your kind support to my ridiculous love of books..huhuhu
