is raining outside,my kid is watching cartoon again (sigh), I have run out of books to read (more sigh), nothing to do but stare at the messy bookshelf and then I found these: several LAT books or graphic comic as they called it nowadays. My whole family are really
into LAT cartoons. They were so funny and it honestly depicted the Malaysian lifestyle. It was even made into a musical last April.

I found these scribbles in the books.
This one is my brother's writings when he was 11 and I was 9. Sorry that the pictures are so blurry. My Blackberry camera is totally worthless. If only I have an iPhone (sigh). Apparently my brother has a habit of jotting down his name and date on his books when his younger. Kind of possesive..huh? 

This one was written by my mum in Lat and Gang. Translated into English it says:
"To my children whom I love:
Shahrul Nadia Khalid
Shamsul Nirwan Khalid
Shahrul Natasha Khalid (me)
signed by my mum 1987-August"
Such fond memories..
Ingat dah salah masuk blog tadi...isy! asyik berubah je..but this is easier to read rather than the last...frankly speaking serabut sikit la Dik.
ReplyDeleteBtw...N3 kali ni dah masuk bab nostalgia la kan...tu yg terkenang di masa lalu. Tumpang sedih sekaki la...*sob sob*
I loooooooooooove LAT comic books!
ReplyDeleteAnd, I looooooooooooooove this new blog layout/design of yours...kinda flowery-'butterflyish'...O_O
ye ke mak andak? tula sesedih plak time hujan2 ni..kira blog skrg ok la eh?
ReplyDeletemy dear just shows that i have sooo many free time so i decided to dress up my blog a bit..actually i was appalled to find a blog using the same background..aghh
be sure to check that's where i cedok all these cuteness
Ooo...the link u gave me is the cutest! Btw, I love the 'colourfulness' of ur previous blog too :)