Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Mini review: the future is here

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Review: Paranormalcy
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Published August 31st 2010
My Summary:
Hi..meet Evie. She's sixteen, blond, loves pink and works with IPCA (that's the International Paranormal Containment Agency). So what so unusual about that you say? Well..her best friend is a mermaid, her ex-boyfriend is a fairy and she can see through all paranormal glamours which make it kind of tricky for a vampire to bite her..hoho.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
which series do you like?
Currently I'm collecting a few YA fantasy series (which I promise to give a review later on) and have completed my No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series..yahoo!
Friday, September 23, 2011
a most peculiar murder mystery

Verdict: 5 stars
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
free books..anyone?
While contemplating my current sorry state of finance, I was pleasantly delighted to find so many websites/bloggers out there who are willing to give out free books to their followers. These people are amazing! Most of them are Americans and they are soo lucky to get all these Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) books straight from the publishers.
Duh..really wishing Asian/Malaysian publishers are generous like them..but we have a very small market so understandably there's no such thing as free books in Malaysia. Sob..sob..
Check out http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com/ where this amazing blogger is giving away books to commemorate her 500 followers. Dear me..I hope I'm lucky enough to get these books. Please..please..pretty please..
Hmm.. maybe I should giveaway free books to get more followers..eh?
Monday, September 19, 2011
the astonishing antics of an 'angel'

Sunday, September 18, 2011
mysterious me..

so the challenge is:
Friday, September 16, 2011
my new reading challenge
so here goes...so far I've read
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

This one was written by my mum in Lat and Gang. Translated into English it says:
"To my children whom I love:
Shahrul Nadia Khalid
Shamsul Nirwan Khalid
Shahrul Natasha Khalid (me)
signed by my mum 1987-August"
Such fond memories..
Saturday, September 10, 2011
a little bit of trivia

my precious..
So since at first I was tempted by my sister to read YA fantasy/paranormal romance, now I really need a break from that genre. It's so tiring to read books in the first person POV. All that I saw..I smell..I think..gah..is driving me crazy. Why must everyone copy Stephenie Meyer?Honestly people!
My dearest aunt kindly borrowed some of her romance books. Such positivism is clearly what I needed. So I turn to my first passion. The love of my life. Mysteries!
I actually stumbled upon this quirky HBO series a while back and was not really following it due to my busy work schedule and chasing after that 'angel'. To my dismay, it's already cancelled after only 7 episodes due to poor ratings. Apparently not many people are into mysteries...gah! It reminded me of Agatha Christie's fat Belgian detective; Hercule Poirot. There's something about plump detectives that I found endearing. So sue me..haha!
Precious Ramotswe in the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency is certainly precious! She's kind, smart, sharp and all around a very good detective indeed. Although according to Batswana (Botswana people are called Batswana), Precious is a traditionally bulit (meaning plump) woman who sold her father's cows to set up a detective agency. Along the way, she attracts the attention of the finest mechanic in the city of Gaborone; a certain Mr. J.L.B Matekoni. Her secretary/assistant is a Mma Makutsi. (In Botswana apparently they called Miss/Mrs. as Mma). A graduate of Botswana Secretary College with a 97 score on her final exams. Phew! The characters are refreshing and different from the American physical perfection of characters.
The books are a gem. With its witty lines, human analysis and a rather positive outlook on life set against Botswana..it can do no wrong for me. I was smiling and grinning the whole time reading this. Now I have 6 of the books in the series and are planning to complete it. Please give this a try..it's not dark at all like Agatha's but a rather cheerful journey into social human behaviour. I'm sure you'll like it!