Tuesday, August 23, 2011
tug of war
Monday, August 22, 2011
my amazonian adventure
I ordered it last 30th July. And it's so new I cannot find it in any bookstores here. Well that's only for Supernaturally not Hex Hall. The prices are ok but shipping costs USD 14..equivalent to MYR 44.45 ..duh..
Saturday, August 20, 2011
my favourite place
Story time or bedtime? You tell me..
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
nyum nyum

This year I became so lazy which is kind of ironic since I'm at home full time. Last year I went cookie crazy and baked half a dozen different biskut raya that nobody ate and most of it ended up in the dustbin by raya haji. So this year I decided just to make only two types of biskut which is my favourite almond london and chocolate chip n pecan cookie. And since I won't be having any open house (except for people who really wants to come) then I'll just have to finish up by myself..haha..

But this year I have a hankering for all these traditional delicacies especially kuih rempeyek, kuih ros and kuih siput. Takut nak try buat sebab nampak macam susah je. Sampai tengok youtube macam mana nak buat. Lecehnye kuih lama ni yek? Sungguh kagum dengan mak mak kita yang rajin buat kuih sampai bertin-tin. Tengokla nanti macam mana jadi ke eksperimen rempeyek hehe..
Thursday, August 4, 2011
quiet heaven

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Mini review: YA fantasy book bug

For example Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely is just plain stupid. A girl being stalked by a fairy prince who's obsessed with making her his Summer Court Queen. Duh... The series is such a hit but I just don't have the heart to follow the other books in the series let alone finish this one. It was a struggle really.
Verdict: 1 star

Verdict: 2 stars

Verdict: 4 stars
Verdict: 4 stars

Verdict: 5 stars