Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Fan Art

Hi, everyone! Today I'm having a Book Blitz for the book Fan Art by Sarah Tregay.

Fan Art 
by Sarah Tregay 
Release Date: 06/17/14 
Harper Teen

When the picture tells the story… 

Senior year is almost over, and Jamie Peterson has a big problem. Not college—that’s all set. Not prom—he’ll find a date somehow. No, it’s the worst problem of all: he’s fallen for his best friend. 

As much as Jamie tries to keep it under wraps, everyone seems to know where his affections lie, and the giggling girls in art class are determined to help Jamie get together with Mason. But Jamie isn’t sure if that’s what he wants—because as much as Jamie would like to come clean to Mason, what if the truth ruins everything? What if there are no more road trips, taco dinners, or movie nights? Does he dare risk a childhood friendship for romance? 

This book is about what happens when a picture reveals what we can’t say, when art is truer than life, and how falling in love is easy, except when it’s not. Fan Art explores the joys and pains of friendship, of pressing boundaries, and how facing our worst fears can sometimes lead us to what we want most.

Goodreads Amazon B & N TBD 

 Raised without television, Sarah Tregay started writing her own middle grade novels after she had read all of the ones in the library. She later discovered YA books, but never did make it to the adult section. When she's not jotting down poems at stoplights, she can be found hanging out with her "little sister" from Big Brothers Big Sisters. Sarah lives in Eagle, Idaho with her husband, two Boston Terriers, and an appaloosa named Mr. Pots. Her next book, Fan Art, will be released in June.
Website Goodreads| Facebook 

I listen to a lot of audio books, and from time to time I’ll read something on a Kindle. While both are convenient ways to get immersed in a story, I miss seeing the book itself. Because I am a graphic designer in my day job, I enjoy the little details in a printed book, such as the typeface, an illustration, or a beautiful chapter heading. Hardcover books are a treat because you can peek under the jacket and see the art on the binding.

So, in case you borrow a copy of Fan Art from your library or read it on your iPad, here is the art under the cover:

Also, Melissa DeJesus did an amazing job illustrating the graphic short story within Fan Art:

Monday, June 16, 2014

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Mind Static

Hi, everyone! Today I'm having a Book Blitz for the book Mind Static by Jen Naumann.

Mind Static by Jen Naumann
Publication date: August 2013
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult
Keyanna Sanders is about to get everything she could ever wish for on her 18th birthday: a hot guy who’s really into her, the sports car she’s always dreamed of owning, and the party of a lifetime that no one will forget any time soon.

But before long, she’ll understand these wishes are more than a coincidence, and that they come at a steep price. Keyanna is more than just an average high school senior, her best friend is more than the innocent boy next door, and her sudden good fortune isn’t just by chance. When her estranged father suddenly re-enters her life, she’ll have to decide who to trust, and whether or not the man she loves has become the enemy.

Goodreads |  Amazon | Barnes & Noble | 

Jen Naumann grew up in southern Minnesota as an addict of such flicks as Indiana Jones and The Goonies until she discovered John Hughes, and spent her high school days locked away writing love stories with a sci-fi twist. Married to a farmer in southern Minnesota, she tries to follow the madness of her four active children while balancing an imagination that never shuts down. As the author of CHEATING DEATH, SHYMERS, AND PARANORMAL KEEPERS, she writes stories with strong female leads who have a good sense of humor and tend to fall in love despite their better judgment.

Website |  Twitter | Facebook |  Goodreads

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #77: Fiendish

Waiting on Wednesday is a wonderful meme created by Jill from Breaking the Spine where we highlighted an upcoming release that we're eagerly anticipating.

by Brenna Yovanoff
ebook, 352 pages 
Expected publication: August 14th 2014 
by Razorbill, Penguin Putnam
ARC from Netgalley

Clementine DeVore spent ten years trapped in a cellar, pinned down by willow roots, silenced and forgotten. 

Now she’s out and determined to uncover who put her in that cellar and why. 

When Clementine was a child, dangerous and inexplicable things started happening in New South Bend. The townsfolk blamed the fiendish people out in the Willows and burned their homes to the ground. But magic kept Clementine alive, walled up in the cellar for ten years, until a boy named Fisher sets her free. 

Back in the world, Clementine sets out to discover what happened all those years ago. But the truth gets muddled in her dangerous attraction to Fisher, the politics of New South Bend, and the Hollow, a fickle and terrifying place that seems increasingly temperamental ever since Clementine reemerged.

I'm in the mood for creepy stand alones and Brenna Yovanoff never dissapoints. This one looks totally enthralling and I can't wait to discover the real reason why Clementine was imprisoned in the first place.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Review: Forget About Me

(Don't You) Forget About Me 
by Kate Karyus Quinn 
Hardcover, 336 pages 
Expected publication: June 10th 2014 
by HarperTeen
ARC from Edelweiss
Goodreads AmazonB & N TBD

Welcome to Gardnerville. 
A place where no one gets sick. And no one ever dies. 
There’s a price to pay for paradise. Every fourth year, the strange power that fuels the town exacts its payment by infecting teens with deadly urges. In a normal year in Gardnerville, teens might stop talking to their best friends. In a fourth year, they’d kill them. 

Four years ago, Skylar’s sister, Piper, was locked away after leading sixteen of her classmates to a watery grave. Since then, Skylar has lived in a numb haze, struggling to forget her past and dull the pain of losing her sister. But the secrets and memories Piper left behind keep taunting Skylar—whispering that the only way to get her sister back is to stop Gardnerville’s murderous cycle once and for all. 

I am a big fan of the The Twilight Zone and was drawn to this creepy book instantly when I stumbled upon the blurb. And it is indeed unlike any other book that I've ever read before. 

This is one of those rare YA books that is complex enough that I don't think that it is justified to be categorized as YA. It has elements that even Dean Koontz or Stephen King fans can find enticing. Apart from having a teen as the main character, the book is not the usual YA trope that you find in the market. The eerie and sometimes perplexing setting required some patience to get into. And the dual setting alternating from the present and flashbacks can be a bit intimidating for some.

We get the hazy main character who is desperately trying to make sense as to what is real and what is not while trying to figure out  what is behind the gates  of The Reformatory where her older sister was imprisoned after leading her friends to jump to their death. Since this is the fourth year where bad things happened to teens, everyone in Gardnerville is apparently jumpy and anxiously waiting for doom to struck.

If you're patient enough to read this till the end despite the layers of back stories that can sometimes be confusing then finding out the reason behind the existence of this creepy fictional town will definitely blow your mind. 

If you're a fan of weird and scary stories that make no sense at all then this is certainly for you. Since long after finishing this book, that lingering sense of wonder and curiosity still haunts me to this day. Chilling, mysterious and totally unique, this precious stand alone is one of the best book I've ever had the chance to read this year. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Book Blitz: The Cavy Files

Release Date: 05/13/14
378 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
Inconsequential: not important or significant.
Synonyms: insignificant, unimportant, nonessential, irrelevant

In the world of genetic mutation, Gypsy’s talent of knowing a person’s age of death is considered a failure. Her peers, the other Cavies, have powers that range from curdling a blood still in the vein to being able to overhear a conversation taking place three miles away, but when they’re taken from the sanctuary where they grew up and forced into the real world, Gypsy, with her all-but-invisible gift, is the one with the advantage.

The only one who’s safe, if the world finds out what they can do.

When the Cavies are attacked and inoculated with an unidentified virus, that illusion is shattered. Whatever was attached to the virus causes their abilities to change. Grow. In some cases, to escape their control.

Gypsy dreamed of normal high school, normal friends, a normal life, for years. Instead, the Cavies are sucked under a sea of government intrigue, weaponized genetic mutation, and crushing secrets that will reframe everything they’ve ever been told about how their "talents" came to be in the first place.

When they find out one of their own has been appropriated by the government, mistreated and forced to run dangerous missions, their desire for information becomes a pressing need. With only a series of guesses about their origins, the path to the truth becomes quickly littered with friends, enemies, and in the end, the Cavies ability to trust anyone at all.

Available from:
Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Kobo * Book Depository

“You're early. You said there were two reasons.”
“Oh, right. The rumor mill suggests that you turned down a date with a very attractive, very in-demand CA boy today, and that perhaps the reason is interest in a different very attractive, not-so-in-demand CA boy. As the first person to befriend you in reality, I feel slighted hearing this through the grapevine. What gives?”
“Geez, I guess the movies don't lie about the speed of rumors in high school.” Chalk one up for Hollywood.
“Stop trying to blame all of your weirdness on growing up a recluse and spill.”
“Jude asked me if I wanted to hang out after the game tonight.” Blood rushes to my cheeks at the memory.
“And you said no why? I mean, he's like my brother but it's not like I'm blind, Norah. He's gorgeous, has a killer body for a seventeen-year-old, and his looks aren’t even the best part about him.”
She doesn't elaborate but she doesn't have to. I've known him five days and could make a list of at least six things that make Jude attractive, and that’s after he told me he’d been my friend because his dad told him too.
As much as I still want to be angry about that, the truth of his issues at home left me with a sizable soft spot. Jude's dealing with so much more than he lets people see.
None of which should change my desire to not get involved. Knowing what I know.
“I have plans with my father after the game. We're going to start some old television show he likes. Or movie. Something.”
“Okay, lame, but whatever. He's going to ask you again, you know. Are you going to say yes?”
“Who am I supposed to be interested in instead? I mean, according to wherever this information came from in the first place?” I change the subject, well aware that my new friend is too perceptive not to notice, but too confused about my feelings for Jude Greene to discuss it.
“Dane Kim, of course. You guys have been as thick as thieves the last couple of days, and Savannah heard from Jessie Brady, who heard from Annie Simmons, who sits behind you in Lit, that he sounded pretty jealous asking you about Jude.” Maya licks the Nutella off another apple slice. “She also thinks you're a know-it-all because you answered all of the questions on the pop quiz even though you've only been in class a few days, FYI.”

About the Author
Trisha Leigh is a product of the Midwest, which means it’s pop, not soda, garage sales, not tag sales, and you guys as opposed to y’all. Most of the time. She’s been writing seriously for five years now, and has published 4 young adult novels and 4 new adult novels (under her pen name Lyla Payne). Her favorite things, in no particular order, include: reading, Game of Thrones, Hershey’s kisses, reading, her dogs (Yoda and Jilly), summer, movies,  reading, Jude Law, coffee, and rewatching WB series from the 90’s-00’s.

Her family is made up of farmers and/or almost rock stars from Iowa, people who numerous, loud, full of love, and the kind of people that make the world better. Trisha tries her best to honor them, and the lessons they’ve taught, through characters and stories—made up, of course, but true enough in their way.

Author Links:
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