Oh my God another post about DNF? Someone was asking me about the DNF and it got me thinking real deep. Why so many DNFs early on this year? Will I read the book which I DNF again after some time? I did actually. For example I was ready to abandoned this weird series about futuristic ship in space but after giving the third book another shot I found I actually like it.
Before, I started blogging I would feel no pressure to read and sometimes would probably DNF a book I didn't like without thinking about it twice. I'm one of those impatient reader and the need for the story to move in a brisk pace is certainly my utmost desire. I don't want to be stuck in pages of a book wondering what it is all about because yeah we have better things to do.
But when I started blogging and getting all this ARCs, I thought a DNF is strictly forbidden because we get the books for free. Yowza!
Seriously, forcing yourself to read something that you could have probably guess how it will going to end or a book which is not up my alley is such a torture! When I get impatient, I'll probably skipp the middle pages to get to the ending. So most of my DNFs are actually books that I've read the early chapters and the last three chapters. I would never ever just totally abandoned a book halfway without finding out how it'll end. No matter how much I hated the characters or the plot.
Phew, I'm glad that I have let those out of my chest. I feel that I need to explain what my definition of DNFs are. What about you guys? To DNF or not to DNF?