Ooooh I haven't been to overseas for the longest time and it makes me kind of sad. Eventhough I just renew my passport with my dad early this year but me the money! So with sadness, envy and whole lot of free time..I checked my digital camera for old vacation photos. Some of them are years ago but all of it feature a very distinct character. lil tyke who's actually harassing me as I type this entry. He's in ALL the pic. Just look.
At Aquaria KLCC. Not yet 1 year. Still a balding baby, hehehe..
Boat ride in Mines. Look at that scared face. Hanging on for dear life.
Celebrating Chinese New Year 2010. Now he's so not scared of water anymore. Eh anak Cina mana ni? Huhu..
In KK at Hotel Promenade. See any resemblance?
In Penang last year for kenduri and some R & R.
So there you have it all local holidays. Cuti-cuti Malaysia..mah!