the title says so I just love chick lit movies and romantic comedies. And sometimes I watch it over and over again.
tention. And who wouldn't love Cher (Alicia Silverstone) in her breakout role. Cher is a somewhat naive rich girl looking for love in all the wrong places only to find out that it's actually right in front of her all this time. Love it! Where is she now? And Brittany Murphy is so different in here.. a bit chubby and without blonde hair. May she rest in peace.
I love New York themed movies. But the original book is based on London but when the movie was made it's in NYC! Thank god the heroine is played by Isla Fisher otherwise I think the English will have a fit with Renee Zellwenger playing Bridget and the popular Shopaholic series turned its setting to the States.
I watched this one on cable (Astro) and fell in love with it immediately. The dialogue is witty and the characters are believable. It's about Mary Haines (Meg Ryan) who found out that her husband is cheating with (gasp!) a Saks spritzer girl (that's the term for perfume counter salesperson). Her friends are funny and interesting especially Debra Messing who is a women with too many kids and Jada Pinkett; a lesbian writer. In the end, Mary became stronger despite her marital troubles by proving that she has what it takes to fulfill her dreams of becoming a fashion designer. Just love how the way the ladies turn their troubles around into a wonderful opportunity. Girl power!
2. Clueless
Who would not love clueless? I mean the story of dim witted blonde bombshell always attract lots of at
3. Sex And The City 1
The mother of all chick lits! Books, tv and now movies! I love the book and watch the entire series (thanks to my dearest BFF Miz Wanie who bought the DVD). We watched it again and again (ehem) and when the movie came we rushed to the movies to watch it eventhough I was quite pregnant at that time. Wish that one day I had a daughter to share this with. I mean aside from the immoral action going on it teaches you a lot about life and love. And it's fun! I myself always imagined that I'm Carrie but nah..Miz Wanie said I'm more of a Charlotte with my sometimes obsessive and prim and proper ways. Hey..I'm not that boring? Am I? The second SATC movie is so disappointing. I mean at first it's kind of fun but there's not much of a story other than seeing the girls going to off on a fabulous vacation.
4. Bridget Jones Diary
Renee is hilarious as weight challenged Bridget who show to the world that fat girls can be successful and get the man with confidence! Watch it with some friends and have a good laugh!
5. Shopaholic